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What is Adaptive Learning Technology?

These systems employ algorithms, assessments, student feedback, instruction adjustments/interventions, and various media to deliver new learning material to students who have achieved mastery and remediation to those who have not.


Adaptive learning falls under personalized learning but is not the same. You may buy your child new clothes that fit their size and style perfectly. However, a year later you will likely find that the child has changed in a variety of ways and now needs new clothes. The clothes were personalized but can’t adapt as the child grows.

Adaptive learning is an education technology that responds in real-time to students’ interactions with a lesson to automatically offer individual support. Using analytical algorithms, adaptive learning software collects and analyzes information such as prior knowledge and interest level to modify the learning experience and address the unique needs of each student.

EdSurge developed a framework to define the most common types of adaptive learning:

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Adaptive content

After a student answers a question, the system responds with feedback without changing the content sequence (e.g. hints, review materials).

Adaptive sequence is the most complex system. Differentiated pathways can provide extra support to help a student understand a concept before moving on to the next topic, fast-track advanced students, or allow students to decide what to learn next.

Why Adaptive Learning Technology?

It’s the right information, at the right time, for the right learner, based on data.

-Shawn Mahoney, Chief Academic Officer,

McGraw Hill Education


Adaptive learning technology helps scale the benefits of individualized learning. Adaptive systems allow a shift from seat-time to mastery-based learning; progression of material is based on proficiency, not hours spent, which generally leads to increased engagement and the highest level of mastery. Advanced students don’t waste time and no student is left behind.


Teachers cannot teach to every individual and private tutoring is expensive. This is a common pain point. Adaptive learning software presents a solution. Educators can identify where their students are struggling and shift their role from content provider to learning facilitator making sure every student reaches full potential. For the education institution, it scales adaptive learning in a cost effective way and contributes to greater learning outcomes. Think of how this could benefit high enrollment classes.

How does Adaptive Learning Technology work?

There are two common methods

Designed Adaptivity

A method in which educators create preset rules to guide their students toward content proficiency. They control how the technology reacts to students’ responses; an “if THIS, then THAT” approach (Smart Sparrow).

Different adaptivity factors can be used to adapt learning, including performance level, knowledge (prior and gained), media preferences, common misconceptions, demographics and other data. Any combination of these factors enables adaptive systems to individualize learning experience.

Page created by: Sarah Jones

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